Members Team members innovate, improve and grow Blacksmith
Countries Blacksmith is used in 6 countries around the world
0 Banking
Expertise Our software is build with native banking expertise

About Us

If there’s one word we could use as a synonym for Blacksmith, it’s transformation: the ability to turn something from one thing into another. Like the way blacksmiths apply their craftmanship to transform a piece of metal into a useful tool or a decorative object, we apply our skills and expertise to transform your Know Your Customer process. Where a blacksmith hammers hot iron on an anvil to change its shape, at Blacksmith, we apply digital policy management to transform your KYC process.

Blacksmith, the only RegTech with policy digitalisation as the core of its solution, was founded in 2017 and originally developed at ING innovation Labs in Singapore. In addition to our flagship customer ING, Blacksmith’s customer base includes banks and other financial institutions in several different countries.

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What We Do

We offer a single platform to digitally manage your KYC requirements, quickly implement regulatory changes and policy rules in your processes, connect to the data sources you know and trust, and generate tailored CDD files on your clients.

Providing business

Generate up to 50% savings in your end-to-end KYC process and increase the quality of your CDD files by 15%.

Rich KYC policy management capabilities

USP and core of our product is the Digital Policy Manager, an easily configurable business rules engine that digitalises your KYC policy and reduces the time to implement new policies in your organisation to zero!

Easy to

Our solution is plug and play. You can easily integrate Blacksmith in your existing processes and IT landscape.

Enabling regulatory

Blacksmith provides a ready-to-use audit trail to meet regulatory demands.

Leadership team

Nynke Postma
Jean Herbiere
Patrycja Wisniewska
Merijn Olsthoorn